Monday, June 17, 2013

A.5 # 1-3 on pg. 17

1. a. Steam/Electric
    b. Steam/Electric
    c. Steam/Electric
    d. Irrigation/ Agricultural
    e. Mining
    f. Irrigation/ Agricultural

2. In the West people use the water for agriculture to grow crops for the US, as opposed to people in the East because the perhaps weather patterns are unpredictable. Another factor is transportation services are used more often in the East than the West, such as subways.

3. Transportation services in the East, South, and Midwest  may account for the massive amounts of Steam/Electric water usage. Also climates affect the uses of heaters and air conditioning which are run by Steam/Electric water usage. In the West, the weather and economy accounts for the usage of water towards Irrigation/ Agriculture. In Alaska and Hawaii, the water usage is mainly for cultural and economic reasons.

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